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Is positivity overrated? Learn the superpower to take control of your life.

Don't worry! Be happy!
Who haven’t already heard that song? Ugh! Tired of it, right?

Why not try my solution instead…

Let’s have a quick reminder of what positivity means. It’s defined as “the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude”. Well, that’s a huge sentence, full of cool words. Full of good ideas. But what really happens in the real life? Learn to think like others. Learn to shush until we ask you some.

Our tendency to stress up is a reality.

Now we’re between us, we can admit it.
Life is hard. Love is hard. This world is hard (others may be too…).
Wherever you may be or come from, whatever kind of job you’re doing, whoever you may think you are, you’re never completely prepared to uncertainty.

You can make plans, anticipate risks, re-evaluate your environment or even save money in several bank accounts. At the end of the day, life decides what will enter in your existence and as some says, you’d better be prepared for it.

At this point, I can imagine the main question popping out in your head. How can I be prepared for these potential disasters? The answer is simple: YOU CAN’T! Period.
Remember Anakin Skywalker? (yeah, I love Starwars series. Who don’t?)
Well long story short, he tried to save his family from his deepest fear. Not only did he not succeed in it but he also grew a huge resentment against everything and everyone.

And you all know, better than I do probably, that hate leads to destructive behaviors.

Anakin Skywalker slowly becoming Darth Vader by using destructive patterns.

Choose creation above destruction.

            “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1

How to change your mindset from negative to positive ?
Why not getting inspired by the greatest creator of all the Universe? You may call Him whatever you want or even don’t believe in Him, that’s not the matter here. What’s more important is to focus on the creating process.

You won’t learn anything new when I’ll tell you that creating things takes times, energy and commitment. You won’t be able to make a solid house out of its basements, the same way that you cannot write an article without defining the subject previously.

You have to think. You have to dream. You have to get excited. And then creation is on its way.

Have you ever tried it?
Filling your life with projects you will create, projects that will come from you inner self, projects that will look like you, projects that will give a real sense to you existence.

Remember? It’s only you and me in this article. You can answer frankly. Have you ever tried?
If yes, well done! You’re on the good path. Keep on keeping on!
If the answer is no, well, maybe you’re willing to read the last section below…

Do what makes you happy!

Allright! You’ve reached the turning point of your life.
We’re not talking about positivity or any non-sense related to this notion, right?
Why? Because we’re too busy focusing on what’s do us good.
How? By creating a life that matters to us first.

I have to warn you tho. You’ll have to make some sacrifices to see your new life coming.

  • Grow a huge power of self-love.

Put yourself first. Your entourage may call you egotistical. Let’s be honest, they will call you that. But really, who cares? Not you, right?

  • Take time for yourself.

To think what really matters. To surround yourself with the good kind of people (family, friends, business partners…). To say “bye-bye” to your boring job that don’t help you fulfilling your true desires.

  • Plan your next 5 years

Going in the new adventure of your life won’t be like taking the subway to your favorite pizza spot. Nope. You’ll have to set up your main goals and the different steps which will lead you there. And each year, don’t forget to readjust those lil’ steps because incredible surprises may come your way.

Too minions are fighting against each other for nothing instead of being happy and having fun together.

With that, you’re now closer to your new life.
So tell me, I’m curious…What will be your first move?
Let me know in the comments section below! 😉


Ecriture, Writing, auteur, ecrivain, Blog

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