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Why staying true to yourself? A trip through your reality.

Authenticity, truth, being reel. Haven’t you heard that a zillion time?
How can you be true among what you may call “a fake world”?

Here’re some tips to survive…

I was in the same state of mind few years ago. The typical young woman wanting to share her vision to the world and showing some great opinions.
I was disillusioned. No one care about what you have to say. As a newbie, you’d better stay at your place and learn. Learn to behave like the group. Learn to wait for your own moment to come (maybe in 100 years…). Learn to think like others. Learn to shush until we ask you some.

How can we be authentic in that case?

We are quick to share ideas or notions we think that we belong to. Most of the time, we permeate into books we are reading. Articles some friends have shared with us. Or even TV shows that our brain unconsciously registers.

How to be sure those are our true, deepest values?
Only one way: introspection.

 What's inside your head?

Alone in a quiet, empty room, we can embrace our true nature.
Know what is good for us, what makes us happy and blooming. At that moment, we should only care about us. Ignoring the fear of our pair’s judgment. Letting go any stressful feeling of guilt for not being as others want us to be. Release our inner power to build an empowering life.

It will not come in one day. Depending on our investment, it could be quick or not. The more important is to do it seriously and with a reel willingness to discover who we really are at this moment of our existence. There will be doubts, questions and maybe a little bit of sadness too. No worries. It is only the natural process of this awakening.

We know ourselves. How to act now?

Quite normally, I dare say.
Affirming our true side will not allow us to act like savages or to begin bullying everyone who will not have the same advices, values or ideas.

Knowing ourselves better will only help us standing for the ideals we cherish.
We will find a certain strength in fighting the battles worth in our hearts.
When the situations needed, we will begin to show our boundaries and act in a way that will fulfill our deepest core.

With no more shame in living an imposed life, we will expand our natural being in places we would have never dreamed of, extend our perceptions of disciplines we may have never thought of and raise our awareness in looking for happiness.  

The benefits of being true to yourself.

At that point, we know who we are, how to act and where to go.
But do we really know what we want?

Ask those around (parents, companions, friends, coworkers,…) and write their answers on a notebook. Most of the time, the same words will pop out: “I want a new house. I want to be rich. I want a job. I want to live a fulfilling relationship. I want this or that”.
If we should resume all this needs, it will be these simple words: “I want to be happy”.

Don’t we all want to be happy? YES! (those who say NO are welcomed to post a comment on the section below and explain why not…).

Don't worry. Be happy!

More seriously, we want happiness. All of us. Laughing aloud, surrounded by those we dearly love. Because this is how humans have been made (bliss chemicals, hello!). Our bodies react positively to good vibrations. They give us tons of pleasures when we bring stress out of them.
How better to do so but by being who we really are?

Here is a simple equation we all have to remember from this article :



Now, are you ready to be yourself? Let me know in the comments section below! 😉


Ecriture, Writing, auteur, ecrivain, Blog

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